Dr Louise Newson is an award-winning physician, respected women’s hormone specialist, educator, and author committed to increasing awareness and knowledge of perimenopause, menopause, and lifelong hormone health. Each week, Louise dives into the newest research, treatments and hot topic issues, providing accessible, evidence-based information to empower your future health. Joined by fellow experts and special guests, with answers to your burning questions, Louise explores how hormones impact every aspect of our lives. Described as the “medic who kickstarted the menopause revolution”, Louise aims to empower a generation of women to have a greater understanding, choice and control over their treatment, bodies, minds and future health through their hormones. She is the creator of the award-winning free balance app, a Sunday Times bestselling author and the founder of the Newson Health clinic. With over three decades of clinical experience, Louise is a member of the Royal College of Physicians, a Fellow of the Royal College of GPs, a Visiting Fellow at Cambridge, a regular contributor to academic journals including the Lancet and the British Journal of General Practice, and has been awarded an honorary Doctorate of Health from Bradford University.
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
173 - The challenges of accessing menopause treatment as a young woman
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
In this episode, Georgina talks openly about her struggles to get a diagnosis for her erratic periods since she was 15. In her early 20s, her concerns around fertility were brushed off and she acknowledges she didn’t have the strength and resolve to pursue the issue. Georgina then began to experience low mood, muscle fatigue, joint pains, hot flushes and night sweats. When her mental health dipped further, this became the tipping point and with the help of a supportive mother, Georgina pushed for a formal diagnosis and treatment for her debilitating symptoms.
Dr Louise Newson explains the impact of premature ovarian insufficiency and the risk a lack of hormones presents to your future health. Georgina shares the struggle she went through to access the right type and dose of HRT and reminds others to advocate for yourself to get the right help.
Georgina’s three tips to young women:
- Talk openly with other women about periods, sex and vaginal dryness to understand what is and isn’t common
- Do your own research about your symptoms and the menopause to get enough knowledge to advocate for yourself
- Be patient with your HRT and give it time to work
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
172 - Learning to make empowered choices after cancer with Dani Binnington
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Dani Binnington was diagnosed with breast cancer as a young mum at 33. For the next few years her life did not feel under her own control amidst countless medical appointments, treatments and surgeries. After discovering she carried the genetic BRCA1 mutation, Dani chose to have a double mastectomy and at 39 she opted to have both her ovaries removed as several family members had died from ovarian cancer.
Previously a jewellery designer, Dani then embarked on a change of direction towards yoga and healthy living, and she now offers programmes for women on menopause after cancer. Dani is on a mission to empower women to learn about their choices, seek out specialist menopause care and her goal is for every women to have the conversations with healthcare professionals that they deserve.
Dani’s tips for women after cancer:
- Talk about it with the right group of people that understand what you’re going through
- Make time for yourself to check and understand your symptoms
- Continue conversations with your healthcare team and ask for specialist menopause care
- Learn all your treatment options, including hormonal and non-hormonal treatments, complementary therapies, lifestyle management, and how to avoid triggers.
- Don’t sit back, show up for yourself and be empowered. Be active in your own recovery.
Visit Dani’s website at www.healthywholeme.com
And follow her on social media at:
The Menopause And Cancer podcast:
Listen here on Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-menopause-and-cancer-podcast/id1631842514
Listen here on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/3OhAwupemqzdI6sCXCZLSX?si=DsriNnCXSIee6i10Cd4kww
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Content warning: This episode contains discussion of suicide
Vanessa had always suffered with PMS and struggled with her mood and emotions after the birth of each of her children. After her fourth child was born, Vanessa’s mental health took a severe turn and she became suicidal. When her husband intervened and insisted she received specialist care, a psychiatrist realised how unwell Vanessa was and this was the beginning of an eighteen year journey of taking medication and receiving mental health support, including spells of inpatient care. It was all Vanessa could do to wake up every day and look after her children. Vanessa had wondered whether her mood was linked to her hormones as she would have 2 good weeks in every month before two bad weeks would inevitably creep in. In more recent years, friends persuaded her to see a menopause specialist and begin topping up her declining hormones and, as Vanessa explains, this has been lifechanging.
Vanessa’s advice:
- You may not be well enough to go and ask for help yourself, allow family and friends to support you with this.
- Don’t always accept everything you’re told by healthcare professionals, challenge thoughts and negative attitudes towards mental health and the link with hormones.
- We develop lots of coping strategies to mask how we are really feeling. Don’t carry on hiding how you really are, speak to someone.
Help is available if you are struggling. Please contact the Samaritans by phone on 116 123, download the Samaritans Self-Help app or email jo@samaritans.org
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
170 - Recognising and reversing osteoporosis with Dr Taher Mahmud
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Dr Taher Mahmud is a rheumatologist from London who has the ambitious plan of eradicating the bone weakening disease osteoporosis by 2040. Osteoporosis is a common disease, particularly for women around the time of the menopause, but with the right nutrition, exercise and hormone supplementation it is possible to prevent loss of bone tissue and even reverse osteoporosis if it has developed.
The experts discuss this worldwide preventable problem and some common misconceptions about bones. The discussion covers the challenges of current healthcare systems in getting accurate information about your bone health and the importance of raising awareness of how preventable osteoporosis is to all individuals.
Dr Mahmud’s tips:
- Take time for yourself, think about your body and your health and value it
- It is easy to diagnose osteoporosis and treat it, however…
- It is far better to learn about your bone health and do what you can to prevent osteoporosis
To learn more about your own risk of osteoporosis, visit www.sticksandstones.org.uk
Dr Mahmud is based at the London Osteoporosis Clinic, for more information visit www.londonosteoporosisclinic.com
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
169 - The unfair choice for elite female athletes with Janet Birkmyre
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Janet Birkmyre began her career racing as a track cyclist in her mid-30s and won her first elite medal at the age of 40. She went on to win three elite National Championship titles and multiple masters World and European titles. Now at 55, Janet is continuing to improve her times and fitness, and she is a champion of women continuing to enjoy and excel at sport at any age.
In this episode, the conversation covers Janet’s experience of perimenopause and menopause and taking HRT. As an elite athlete however, there are sanctions for Janet if she takes testosterone replacement as there are currently no exemptions to the regulations for therapeutic use in women, only for men. Janet shares her frustration at the unfair choice imposed on her of continuing with the sport she loves and excels in or replacing her low testosterone levels to help with her ongoing menopausal symptoms.
Janet’s three positive steps to improve health through exercise:
- Enjoy being active – make it fun
- Exercise with a friend – you will motivate and encourage each other
- Don’t be self-conscious or compare yourself with others – we come in all wonderful shapes and sizes.
So whatever you look like, whatever you’re wearing, be active and enjoy it!
Follow Janet on Instagram @janbirkmyre_torq_track_cycling
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
168 - The facts and fiction about menopausal skin with Dr Sajjad Rajpar
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Dermatologist, Dr Sajjad Rajpar makes his third visit to the podcast this week to separate the facts from the fiction about skin changes in perimenopause and menopause and debunk some of the messaging around recent skin products marketed for menopause.
Dr Rajpar explains the importance of estrogen for skin and how HRT can prevent and heal damage to skin tissue such as leg ulcers, for example. The experts discuss the negative impact of skin product marketing on initially younger women and now menopausal women, and unpick some perceptions about what a ‘menopausal’ face cream will and won’t do for your skin.
Dr Rajpar’s three tips for problematic skin:
- For dry and irritable skin, avoid foaming and detergent based cleansers and use very gentle cleansing products or even a moisturising lotion to wash with. They may not lather or bubble but they do adequately remove dirt from your skin.
- Use a good moisturiser once or twice a day, consider a lotion in the day as it is lighter and use a cream at night.
- There are creams containing active ingredients that don’t have to rob the bank. Look for ingredients like retinol, vitamin C, and sunscreen.
You can visit Dr Rajpar’s website here www.midlandskin.co.uk and follow him on social media @dr.rajpar_dermatologist on Instagram.
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
167 - The benefits of yoga (revisited) with Lucy Holtom
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
This week offers a chance to revisit a previous podcast conversation – or perhaps hear it for the first time. Lucy Holtom is an experienced Ashtanga yoga practitioner who has a particular passion for helping with women throughout all cycles of life whether it’s to help manage the fluctuation of hormones during menstruation, postnatal recovery, or perimenopause and postmenopause. In this episode, Lucy and Louise discuss the different types of yoga, individual practices and the benefits they can bring. Lucy explains how her interest and experience in well woman yoga evolved and how she supports women in the perimenopause and menopause.
Lucy’s 3 tips for those interested in trying yoga for the first time:
- If you want to try a class, look for recommendations from others and chat to different teachers to find what’s right for you.
- Wear comfortable clothing – you don’t need to spend money on new yoga outfits, just wear whatever you can move freely in.
- Go with an open mind and enjoy!
Visit Lucy’s website at www.livingyouryoga.co.uk
Follow Lucy on Instagram @xxlivingyouryogaxx
This podcast episode was first released in October 2019
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
166 - Researching suicide in perimenopause and menopause with Dr Pooja Saini
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Advisory: we would like to apologise for the sound quality in this episode, which was due to technical issues experienced during recording.
Dr Pooja Saini is a Chartered Psychologist and Reader in suicide and self-harm prevention based at Liverpool John Moores University. Her work has a particular focus in suicide prevention in primary care and developing community-based interventions for high-risk groups.
Since connecting, Louise and Pooja have been discussing the impact of perimenopause and menopause on mood, mental health and suicide and the many research gaps and unanswered questions in this space. In this episode, Pooja explains more about what is known and unknown regarding the effect of hormones on suicidal thoughts and outlines the research plan for a PhD funded by Newson Health Research and Education.
Pooja’s tips for those with suicidal thoughts:
- Early intervention is key; seek help as soon as you feel you are not yourself
- Change your habits to do more of what you really enjoy
- Talk to your loved ones, family and friends. Don’t try and hide or mask it.
If you need support, you can call the Samaritans on 116 123 for free from any phone or email them at jo@samaritans.org
Pooja's Social Channels
Reference for BMJ article discussed:
McCarthy M, Saini P, Nathan R, McIntyre J. Improve coding practices for patients in suicidal crisis. BMJ. 2021 Oct 15;375:n2480. doi: 10.1136/bmj.n2480. PMID: 34654729.
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
165 - When menopausal symptoms persist, with Dr Anna Chiles
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Dr Anna Chiles is a GP and works in an NHS practice in Gloucestershire and at Newson Health as a menopause specialist. In this episode, the experts discuss the range of symptoms that can occur in the perimenopause and menopause and the impact of these on daily life, and they highlight what can be done for women when symptoms persist for many years.
Anna’s 3 tips for women who have struggled with symptoms for many years:
- It’s never too late to start HRT and have that discussion with your health practitioner. If you choose to try it, you don’t have to continue with it if you don’t like it.
- You don’t have to stop taking HRT when you reach a certain age
- It’s so important to keep active, for your independence, your balance, joints, and muscle strength. This goes hand in hand with hormone replacement.
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
164 - When ADHD collides with perimenopause with Margaret Reed Roberts
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Margaret Reed Roberts is an experienced social worker and educator who noticed a change in how she felt in her late 40s. Along with more obvious symptoms of perimenopause, such as hot flushes and migraines, there came a deterioration in her cognition – she struggled to initiate, plan and complete daily tasks and the mental load became unmanageable. A friend suggested there may be more than perimenopause going on and questioned if Margaret was neurodivergent.
In this honest and insightful conversation, Margaret shares of the ‘relief and grief’ of being diagnosed with ADHD as an adult and the impact she now understands ADHD has on her daily activity, home life and relationships.
Margaret’s three tips for those who have ADHD or think they might have it:
(provided after the conversation)
- Be informed. Knowledge is a game changer. You feel more confident when you understand and are better able to advocate for yourself. Challenge others where necessary, using your acquired knowledge and pass that information on.
- Don’t be alone; join support groups, talk to empathetic friends and family.
- Tell your story. You and your story are valuable, not everyone will listen or care, but the more we talk, the more we break taboos and stigma.
Follow Margaret on Facebook
Twitter: @geordiereed