Dr Louise Newson is an award-winning physician, respected women’s hormone specialist, educator, and author committed to increasing awareness and knowledge of perimenopause, menopause, and lifelong hormone health. Each week, Louise dives into the newest research, treatments and hot topic issues, providing accessible, evidence-based information to empower your future health. Joined by fellow experts and special guests, with answers to your burning questions, Louise explores how hormones impact every aspect of our lives. Described as the “medic who kickstarted the menopause revolution”, Louise aims to empower a generation of women to have a greater understanding, choice and control over their treatment, bodies, minds and future health through their hormones. She is the creator of the award-winning free balance app, a Sunday Times bestselling author and the founder of the Newson Health clinic. With over three decades of clinical experience, Louise is a member of the Royal College of Physicians, a Fellow of the Royal College of GPs, a Visiting Fellow at Cambridge, a regular contributor to academic journals including the Lancet and the British Journal of General Practice, and has been awarded an honorary Doctorate of Health from Bradford University.
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
030 - Early Menopause and POI - Dr Sarah Ball and Dr Louise Newson
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
In this week's podcast, Dr Louise Newson is joined by Dr Sarah Ball, a GP with a special interest in the menopause. Together, they talk all about early menopause and Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) which affects women under 45 years. In the UK, around one in 100 women under 40 experience an early menopause yet many of these women are not diagnosed nor do they receive evidence-based advice and treatment. It is essential that these women receive replacement hormones at least until the age of 51 (the average age of the menopause) unless there are medical contra-indications to taking hormones. Dr Newson and Dr Ball discuss the health risks of untreated early menopause and POI and also the different ways in which women can receive individualised help and treatment.
Dr Sarah Ball's Three Take Home Tips:
- Early menopause is a different experience - it is essential to replace your hormones
- Your fertility still does need to be considered
- Don't feel isolated! Find some support, there are others out there experiencing the same thing.
Click here to watch Dr Louise Newson discuss early menopause and POI.
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
029 - Life after Breast Cancer - Kirsty Lang and Dr Louise Newson
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
In this week's podcast, Dr Louise Newson is speaking to journalist Kirsty Lang about her experience with Breast Cancer and how life has been since her recovery. Together, they discuss the treatment that Kirsty received and the side-effects that she experienced from some of the medication, particularly those that blocked the effects of estrogen in her body. Kirsty talks openly about her menopausal symptoms relating to vaginal dryness and reduced libido and Dr Newson explains the effective treatment options available for these symptoms. They also talk about the differences between information given to men who have prostate cancer and women who have breast cancer. Men are usually given far more information than women, especially regarding the sexual problems that can arise during cancer treatment, and clearly this needs to change.
Click here to listen to Kirsty Lang talk about breast cancer in Liz Earle's weekly podcast.
Kirsty's Three Take Home Tips for dealing with menopause after cancer:
- Try local vaginal oestrogen for vaginal dryness
- If you are struggling massively, go to your GP/surgeon/oncologist and don't be afraid to ask for help
- Don't feel like you have to struggle just because you've survived breast cancer. It's not true, there is help out there for you!
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
028 - Menopause and Friendship - Kate Parr & Dr Louise Newson
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
In this week's podcast, Dr Louise Newson is talking with one of her closest friends, Kate Parr, about her reasons for setting up Newson Health Menopause and Wellbeing Centre. Kate encouraged Dr Newson to start educating women about the perimenopause and menopause by hosting a lunch in her house a few years ago, to which many of their friends were invited. Both ladies were really surprised with how eager women were to learn about menopause and how little they knew about something that they will all experience. This inspired Louise to continue to educate and empower women with the right knowledge, so that they can make evidence-based decisions regarding their future health during their menopause. In this episode, Louise and Kate also discuss why talking about menopause to our friends and families is so important.
Kate Parr's Three Take Home Tips:
- Be informed! Find out everything you can about the menopause, from reliable sources.
- Talk to your girlfriends and support each other.
- Mothers - talk to your sons and daughters about how you are feeling. Educate them so that, in the future, they know what to expect and know that it's okay to talk about it.
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
027 - Menopause and the Skin - Dr Sajjad Rajpar and Dr Louise Newson
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
In this week's podcast, Dr Louise Newson is talking to leading consultant dermatologist Dr Sajjad Rajpar. Together, they discuss all about the skin and how it can change during the perimenopause and menopause. The low hormone levels that occur during the perimenopause and menopause often have a negative effect on the collagen in the skin, which can lead to changes in appearance and elasticity. As well as this, skin concerns such as dryness and acne are a common occurrence during this time of our lives. Dr Newson and Dr Rajpar also discuss HRT and the effectiveness of giving oestrogen through the skin as a patch or gel.
More information about Dr Rajpar, including his serum, is available here: https://belgraviadermatology.co.uk/
Dr Rajpar's Three Take Home Tips for Healthy Skin:
- Avoid soap and use gentle cleanser, moisturise twice daily.
- Be sensible with the sun - wear factor 50.
- Stop smoking! Nicotine can have a very negative effect on your skin.
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
026 - Surgical Menopause - Dr Rebecca Lewis & Dr Louise Newson
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
In this week's episode, Dr Louise Newson chats to her good friend, Dr Rebecca Lewis, who is also a clinical director at Newson Health Menopause and Wellbeing Centre. Together they discuss surgical menopause. Surgical menopause can often be very different to a natural menopause because it happens very suddenly. Women who have their ovaries removed during an operation are plunged into the menopause straight away. In addition, women who have a hysterectomy without their ovaries being removed still have a higher risk of an early menopause. Dr Newson and Dr Lewis discuss the most effective ways of treating surgical menopause.
Dr Lewis' Three Take Home Tips:
- Think about menopause before your surgery - be aware of the symptoms you may experience.
- Discuss HRT with your surgeon before surgery.
- Have a solution and treatment plan in place before the operation.
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
025 - Missing my Perimenopause - Katie Taylor & Dr Louise Newson
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
In this week's episode, Dr Newson chats to Katie Taylor. From the age of 43 Katie suffered for four years with debilitating perimenopausal symptoms, which had been misdiagnosed as depression by her doctor. It was only when her father, a breast cancer professor, suggested that he thought her symptoms were more likely to be hormonal, did she finally get the right diagnosis from her gynaecologist. Within a month of being on the right treatment (HRT) and off the antidepressants, she felt like her old self again.
It was her anger and frustration at having wasted so many years of precious life, that led her to set up an online virtual coffee shop: The Latte Lounge (Top Tips For Women Over 40), to share her experience with others. Katie and Dr Newson discuss how commonly women are misdiagnosed and then are not receiving the right treatment for their symptoms.
Katie Taylor's Three Take Home Tips:
- Print off this symptom checklist and the NICE menopause guidelines and go to your doctor feeling empowered and armed with information.
- Know that HRT should be the first-line treatment, not just anti-depressants.
- Remember you're not alone! Join the Latte Lounge or Menopause Support and talk to like-minded women.
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
024 - Menopause & West Midlands Police - Yvonne Bruton & Dr Louise Newson
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
In this episode, Dr Louise Newson chats to Yvonne Bruton, a chief inspector at West Midlands Police who currently heads up the Violence Reduction Unit. Yvonne is also the chair of her Women in Policing association. Dr Newson and Yvonne have worked closely in the past and shared a journey over the last few years; Dr Newson has shared her passion and expertise and Yvonne has shared the problems that are experienced, not only by women in the workplace, but also by trying to design organisational responses to these within a challenging working environment! Policing is about improving people’s lives and protecting them from harm – but they need to look after the workforce to enable them to get out there and do that. Dr Newson has helped support and champion the work that West Midlands Police have been doing with menopause in the workplace and in this podcast they discuss Yvonne's inspirational work and how other organisation's can follow their lead.
Yvonne's Three Take Home Tips for Menopause Support at Work:
- Find someone to talk to - that could be a colleague experiencing similar problems or a peer support group.
- Find an organisational advocate within your workplace.
- Don't be afraid to make noise!
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
023 - Menopause & the Pelvic Floor - Nicola Mulkeen & Dr Louise Newson
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
In this podcast, Dr Newson is speaking with Nicola Mulkeen, a very experienced and knowledgeable pelvic floor physiotherapist. Together they discuss what exactly the pelvic floor muscles are and what they do in our bodies. Nicola talks about the importance of regular pelvic floor exercises and how to perform them. Dr Newson also asks Nicola about different types of urinary incontinence and how women experiencing symptoms should be receiving the right help and treatment.
Find out more about Nicola here: https://www.newsonhealth.co.uk/holistic-therapies/physiotherapy
Nicola Mulkeen's Three Take Home Tips for Pelvic Floor Health:
- Don't suffer in silence - get a referral from your GP if you have any concerns.
- Prevention is better than reacting to symptoms once they occur, so it's always a good time to start thinking about your pelvic floor health.
- Don't be embarrassed to talk about bladder and bowel problems or sexual health.
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
022 - Menopause for Partners - Leigh Goulding & Dr Louise Newson
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Partners of menopausal women are often neglected. In this podcast, Dr Louise Newson talks to Leigh, a partner of one of her patients who vividly describes how worried he was when he saw the changes in his wife and had no idea what was going on. They discuss potential ways of improving education to men and partners. It is really important that partners are involved and understand potential symptoms. Partners can often have a pivotal role in diagnosing the perimenopause and menopause and can help seek the right advice and treatment.
Click here to take a look at this booklet, created by Dr Newson, which is a helpful guide specially created for partners to help a loved one manage the menopause: https://bit.ly/2NJkNXs
Leigh Goulding's Three Take Home Tips for partners:
- Hold your tongue - any arguments you may be having may simply be due to perimenopaue and menopause.
- Do your research and make sure to check the sources of whatever you read.
- "Happy wife, happy life!"
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
021 - MPowered Women - Saska Graville & Dr Louise Newson
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
In this episode, Dr Newson chats to Saska Graville, co founder of Mpoweredwomen.net; a community of doctors, wellbeing experts and brilliant women, to power you through menopause.
Despite a career in women’s magazines, including being the deputy editor of Red, Saska had no idea that anxiety and loss of confidence were classic perimenopause symptoms. Hot flushes were the extent of her knowledge, and she’d never had one. She blamed her anxiety and loss of confidence in her late 40s on a career change.
MPowered Women ensures that no woman has to struggle and be uninformed about what the hell is going on with her physical and mental health, and what she can do about it. With no subject off limits, MPowered Women has her back.
Saska Graville's Three take Home Tips:
- Don't panic!
- Don't believe the headlines - search for factual, evidence-based advice.
- Take someone with you to your doctor's appointment if you're feeling nervous, and before you visit, look at the Menopause Doctor website and arm yourself with information and advice. Also, visit the Menopause Support website and download the 'Ten things your GP should know about the menopause'.